Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

What is the purpose of our lives?

Apa tujuan dari hidup kita??? I think that'll be the best Indonesian for the issue..

I was wondering how we could know the purpose we're living in this changing and vast world??
The simple answer .. I think just ask it to the Lord, for He made all of us , and He made us of course in a special purpose. I think I'll give you the illustration like this, And I'll say it in Indonesian :" misalnya anda belum pernah melihat and tahu apa yang namanya "KURSI" itu mungkin anda tidak akan tahu apa manfaat dan tujuan adanya sebuah kursi'"" dan I think cara yang paling tepat agar kita tahu dari kegunaan " KURSI" tsb adal..... adalah... EHMMMMMM........??????????

Well It's simple, tanya aja kepada yang membuatnya " carpenter" Dan dia pasti tahu semuanya sebab dia yang membuat kursi tersebut......""""""

I will be the same I think if we wanna know the purpose of our lives... WE CAN ASK FOR it and of course ... LORD is the answer... God will tell us the purpose of our lives......

How can we do that??? Get closer to the Lord of course......
